
Boston is building at an unprecedented rate while not enough thought has been given to green infrastructure. The impact of urban heat island is increasing along with rising temperatures due to climate change.  Sea level rise and flooding is at Boston’s shores.  HarvestGreen will provide a forum to highlight elements of design that provide elegant yet reasonable solutions to better control urban climate, stormwater and sea level rise.

Escape Your Office and Leap into HarvestGreen:  Join us for almost a week-long program!  

Who should come?  Designers, planners, realtors, lawyers, accountants, business people, property owners, property managers, developers, water experts, park officials, environmentalists, energy experts, engineers, health officials, doctors, nurses, policymakers, decision makers, and anyone willing to learn something new.



with help from Weston Nurseries and Cityscapes!

Exhibits by:  Boston Food Forest Coalition, Pearl's Premium, Invisible Structures, and Stimson Studio.

Decide what you prefer:  A Stark Skyline or Green Skyline? 


Photos:  Boston Skyline by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash (left) and cnn.com - Imagining Beirutopia (right)

PROGRAM:  Lunch & Learn - Series of Six

In collaboration with Boston Society of Landscape Architects

  • This series will take place at 10 St. James Avenue, Back Bay, Boston, MA in the Atrium and is free of charge.  
  • We are also working with the BSLA to establish CEU's for landscape architects and architects.  

Lunch & Learn Day One, Wednesday, October 24  (10 St. James Avenue, Back Bay, Boston, MA)

12-1 pm:  Green Rooms, Green Tables

Intro to the beauty of green infrastructure with a particular emphasis on urban agriculture and green roofs - both provide food and herb harvest that can be served directly at the venue.  Plus, they provide many more benefits that come with greening our city.  Find out from those who are already sowing and reaping the benefits.

Apolo Catala, Oasis at Ballou, Urban Farm Manager

Shauna Gillies-Smith, Ground, Inc. Landscape Architect

Mark Winterer, ReCover Green Roofs, Green Roof and Food Roof Installer

Ed Stewart, Gale Associates, Sr. Associate, Director of Building Technology

1-2 pm:  Green Walls, Inside and Out

Living walls can be exterior or interior.  Outside our buildings they reduce stormwater, air pollution, keep the city cooler and beautify the urbanscape.  Inside our buildings, living walls improve air quality, prevent illness and beautify the space.  In both cases, living walls make people happier and healthier.  Find out why!

Jan Goodman, Cityscapes, President

Dr. Karen Weber, Foundation for a Green Future, Executive Director

Greg Murray, Museum of Science, Manager of Technical Design and Production

Lunch & Learn Day Two, Thursday, October 25 (10 St. James Avenue, Back Bay, Boston, MA)

12-1 pm:  BEE Green 

In order to be green, we need bees.  City rooftops are an ideal location for bees with our without a green roof. However, the green roof provides:  (1) greater opportunity for bees to forage; (2) a space that is free from harmful pesticides and disease, and (3) habitat that alleviates some of the pressure and competitiveness among bees.  The bonus prize is HONEY!   

Maureen Albright, TAJ Hotel, Director of Engineering

Bill Perkins, Agricultural Hall, Owner

Brian Woerner, Follow the Honey, COO and Co-Founder

1-2 pm:  Healing Power of Green

It has long been documented that people feel better and heal faster when they are near nature.  The more we build, the more green space we remove.  Let’s keep green in our urbanscape and especially in places of healing.

Chitra Dwarka, Shading Designs (and Biomimicry), CEIO

Dr. Eva Selhub, Resiliency Consultant, Author, Speaker, MD

Laura Garvin, Franciscan Children's Hospital, Formula Technician

Lunch & Learn Day Three, Friday, October 26 (10 St. James Avenue, Back Bay, Boston, MA)

12-1 pm:  Inspiring Green Design Locally & Globally

Green roofs, living walls and urban agriculture bring nature back into our urban space.  Together they provide important benefits for cities as they develop for the future.  Be inspired by local and global designs.  Learn what’s new on the scene.

Scott Bishop, Northeastern University and Bishop Land Design, Landscape Architect

Joe Wahler, Stimson Studio, Senior Associate

Matt Noblett, Behnisch Architekten, Partner

1-2 pm:  Green Infrastructure Tool Kit and Policy Focus

Green roofs and green infrastructure are the next “low-lying fruit” to provide simple yet elegant solutions for complicated matters such as climate change, urban heat island, and sea level rise.  What tool kit is needed?  What is Boston/Massachusetts doing about this issue and how can policy make a difference? 

Pallavi Mande, Charles River Watershed Association, Director of Blue Cities

Manuel Esquivel, Boston Policy and Development Agency, Senior Infrastructure and Energy Planning Fellow

Alisha Pegan, City of Boston, Climate Ready Boston Coordinator

Tina Soo Hoo, Arrowstreet, Senior Associate

Please contact us with any questions, or if you wish to be an exhibitor or a sponsor:  617-477-4840.